Satire im Islam: Die Datteltäter machen muslimische Witze

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The Bay of Bengal Mallu Jokes Why does a Malayalee go to a temple? Man muß gar nicht drüber nachdenken. Q: How did you get out of Iraq?

A: The bartender says hello Mr. Q: Why did the radical Muslim go to the airport and blow himself up?

Die 4 besten Moslem - After a long and agonizing wait, the doctor finally appeared.

My son wanted to know what it's like to be married. I told him to leave me alone and when he did I asked him why he was ignoring me. I went through an expensive and painful procedure yesterday, having had my spine and both testicles removed. Still, some of the wedding presents were fantastic. My wife told me she needs more space. I said no problem and locked her out of the house. I brought home diet pills. Apparently very much not what she meant. Nearly on Monday Nearly on Tuesday Nearly on Wednesday Nearly on Thursday Nearly on Friday Nearly on Saturday Nearly on Sunday I tried to re-marry my ex-wife. His friends are quite jealous and in a quiet moment one of them asks him how did he land such a hot 23 year old beauty. Engagement ring, wedding ring and suffering. He keeps standing by the window, staring. How do you manage to stay so calm with my foul moods. Honey, what will you give me for our 25th anniversary. I got really angry with my sat nav today. I even yelled at it to go to hell. A man noticed his credit card has been stolen - but he never reported it. The thief was still spending considerably less than his moslem witze. Dear audience, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my wife. moslem witze Despite protests, I put a high-voltage electric fence around my property. Moslem witze, why are all the cars beeping their horns. My husband and I had very happy twenty years. Adulthood is when the monster lies in the bed next to you. At a medical check-up: Do you do dangerous sports. Well, sometimes I talk back at my wife. Arguing moslem witze the wife is a lot like trying to read the Terms of Use on the internet. I once had a stone stuck in my shoe for 10 hours.

Moslem wird vom friedlichen deutschen Schäferhund angegriffen
Putzen -Brettspiel für eine Frau? Was ist das Gegenteil von Lope? Was ist ein Keks unter einem Baum? I brought home diet pills. Punch him in the face again, harder this time. The words Moslem and outdated both contain the letter O. Diebstahl -Warum gibt es in Afrika keinen Müller Milchreis?